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The results of the ENIT - Piepoli study: 30 million Italians on holiday in summer 2024

5.7 million Italians will choose outdoor tourism

Approximately 6 out of 10 Italians (59%), or around 30 million people, are planning a holiday during the summer, which represents an increase of 9 percentage points compared to last year, when 50% of interviewees reported travel plans.
1 in 5 people (22%) are intending to go on an outdoor holiday, compared to just 15% in 2023, with tourist villages and farm stays proving particularly popular. Tourists are particularly drawn to outdoor holidays for the freedom they offer (44%) and the chance to spend time in contact with nature (33%).
The new edition of the Outdoor Tourism Observatory published by ENIT – the Italian Government Tourist Board – in collaboration with Human Company and Istituto Piepoli has yielded some interesting results.
The research revealed that the average planned stay duration was 9 nights, including for outdoor tourists, which is in line with last year's figures. July and August remain the key months for Italian holidays (the former being the preferred choice for 35% of travellers and 39% of outdoor travellers, and the latter being the preferred choice for 46% of travellers and 51% of outdoor travellers). However, the percentage of people planning to set off in September has increased significantly to 21%, up 8 percentage points from last year, and to 19% for outdoor tourists, up 9 percentage points.
Looking at different holiday destinations, seaside getaways are still the top choice for 66% of travellers (and 62% of outdoor holidaymakers). Overall, artistic cities took second place (18%), followed by the mountains (16%); focusing on the outdoors, however, the mountains took 24% of the votes to come in second, followed by rural destinations or farm stays (11%).
Italy, chosen by 81% of respondents, is undoubtedly the preferred destination, leaving foreign countries with a share of just 19%, in line with the 2023 results. On the regional level, the top picks are Apulia (12%), Emilia-Romagna (11%), Sicily and Tuscany (both with 10%). Outdoor holidaymakers shared the general preference for Italian getaways (78% vs 21% for international holidays); however, Tuscany came out as the most popular region, with 13% of the vote, followed by Apulia and Sicily, each with 12%.
The average expenditure expected by holidaymakers has grown by almost 300 euros (from 1,420 euros in 2023 to 1,700 euros for summer 2024), and by more than 500 euros among travellers who prefer outdoor facilities (from 1,462 euros to 2,062 euros). In terms of budget, the main expense for tourists is accommodation (38% for general travel and 35% for outdoor holidays), with 7 out of 10 interviewees reporting that it determines all their other travel choices.
The economic situation (especially increases in the cost of bills, consumer goods and petrol) is affecting the travel choices of 2 out of 3 Italians (67%) . Out of the respondents who are not planning to go on holiday (41%), 1 in 2 people reported that the primary reason was finances (up 11 percentage points compared to 2023, when health reasons were the main cause); compared to last year, the number of people who reported that their choice of holiday was dictated by increased rates in the tourism sector has also grown (from 65% in 2023 to 75% in 2024).
1 in 4 Italians are planning to make a last-minute booking, including in the outdoor sector, possibly motivated by a desire to get the best deal and save as much money as possible.

"The data reinforces Italy's position as a sustainable tourism choice, thanks in large part to outdoor holidays, which offer Italian holidaymakers authentic stays in contact with nature. In fact, this type of holiday combines wellbeing with a real understanding of the value of the local area. Domestic tourist clearly appreciate this style of travel, and have been changing their holiday choices and times accordingly. The work carried out in Italy to enhance the entire hotel and non-hotel tourism chain has been well received by Italian tourists, who are choosing open-air holidays in nature as a detox from everyday life. The Italian tourism sector has remained competitive thanks to its ability to respond to the needs of tourists with multi-product offers and personalised experiences," explained Ivana Jelinic, Managing Director of ENIT Spa.

“The data from the Observatory confirms our positive forecasts regarding summer tourism trends: the growth in the number of people planning to enjoy a holiday during the summer, and the popularity of outdoor tourism, are in line with the occupancy levels we are seeing in our facilities, which are almost fully booked for the months of July and August. Reservations for the month of September are equally promising, demonstrating the progressive lengthening of the season. This data, in addition to reflecting a growing interest in increasingly authentic and sustainable travel experiences, underlines that open-air tourism has become a fundamental pillar of the sector, combining economic development with respect for our local heritage," noted Domenico Montano, General Manager of Human Company.

"This year, Italians are expressing an even greater desire to escape than last summer, and their growing preference for outdoor holidays reflects a need for freedom and contact with nature. Summer is still a key time for travel, but September is increasingly emerging as a significant month for travellers. These travel choices are largely influenced by budget, but also by a desire for authentic experiences and a need to disconnect from everyday routines. Holidays are a response to a profound need for personal regeneration," added Livio Gigliuto, President of Istituto Piepoli.

[1] Survey carried out from 8 to 25 June 2024 using the CATI/CAMI/CAWI technique on a sample of over 2,000 individuals, representative of the adult Italian population