The Charter of Values and the Code of Ethics
The Charter of Values forms the base of Human Company Group's Ethical Code. The Ethical Code has been implemented in all of the Group's companies, and its intended recipients are all of the Group's stakeholders: investors, administrators, employees, agents, contributors, customers, suppliers, civil society and future generations. The latest versions of the Charter of Values and the Ethical Code have been approved by the Board of Directors of Human Company.
Information document on the organisation, management and control model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01
The Board of Directors of Human Company Srl has resolved to adopt an organisation, management and control Model suitable for preventing the commission of the offences provided for by Legislative Decree no. 231 of 8 June 2001, containing - as is known - "Regulations on the administrative liability of legal persons, companies and associations, including those without legal personality, pursuant to art. 11 of Law no. 300 of 29 September 2000", which introduced into our system for the first time the criminal liability of entities, in addition to that of the natural person who materially committed the offence. The Company believes that the adoption of the Organisation, Management and Control Model envisaged by the aforementioned Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, even though it is not mandatory, may be a valid tool to raise awareness among Human Company Srl employees and all other parties involved in the same, so that in carrying out their activities, they follow correct and straightforward conduct, such as to prevent the risk of committing the offences set out in the Decree.
Download the Information Document of the Organisation, Management and Control Model of Human Company Srl pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01, for the purpose of providing correct information to customers/suppliers and third parties in general.
For reports, refer to [email protected]
Download the Information Document of the Hu Holding Spa organisation, management and control model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01, for the purpose of providing correct information to customers/suppliers and third parties in general.
For reports, refer to [email protected]