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The commitment of hu Park Albatros village to increasingly accessible and inclusive tourism

A new Auxsystem device for people with mobility difficulties has been inaugurated

The new MagicPool device inaugurated at hu Park Albatros village of the Human Company Group has been inaugurated. It allows people with mobility difficulties to access the facility's Olympic-sized swimming pool more easily. This modern system was designed by Auxsystem – a Piombino company at the forefront of the assistive technology sector – to allow totally autonomous use, unlike other solutions. Thanks to special wristbands, a mechanism can be activated to allow you to immerse yourself in water via the platform directly with the appropriate waterproof wheelchair. The inauguration event of this important innovation was attended by the mayor of San Vincenzo Paolo Ricucci, Senator Manfredi Potenti, the Regional Councillor Marco Landi, the mayor of Piombino Francesco Ferrari, the Councillor for Social Policies and Security of Piombino Vittorio Ceccarelli, as well as local associations such as the Red Cross and Misericordia. For the Handy Superabile association, the president Stefano Paolicchi and councillor Vincenzo Sorrentino were present. Human Company was represented by Mario Mancuso, Director of huh Park Albatros village, while Auxsystem was represented by the owner Giovanni Teglia and the Health and Safety Officer Giusi Di Giovanni.

We are extremely proud to have had the opportunity to install such an innovative solution capable of making our facility even more accessible and inclusive. For people with reduced mobility, being able to access the water independently is a great achievement. This is because they can actually experience a sense of greater freedom in this natural environment. It will be of great help both for guests who stay at our facility and for external guests, who will be able to access the swimming pool all year round" commented Mario Mancuso, Director of huh Park Albatros village.

“We believe it is essential that institutions and private companies adopt the best solutions to make tourism increasingly accessible and inclusive. In this sense, the installation of the MagicPool in a facility as important as the hu Park Albatros village is a big step forward and is of help to all people who, due to reduced mobility, have experienced limited freedom in their lives" said Giovanni Teglia, owner of Auxsystem.

"I would like to thank the hu park Albatros village for purchasing and installing this tool which is very important for the region and the community as well as the manufacturing company, Auxsystem" said the mayor Paolo Riccucci. “This assisted technology will in fact make the swimming pool fully accessible and will allow many people with disabilities to be able to carry out activities. In fact, it is a tool that will be used by guests, further supporting social tourism, and will also be available to the citizens of San Vincenzo who take part in activities at the facility's indoor swimming pool throughout the year. It is therefore an invaluable initiative for the entire community and one which we care a lot about. It represents the social policy commitment of hu park Albatros people with whom a strong, steady relationship is enjoyed".