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Hu openair and Cooltura have launched "Holiday Show", the first TikTok reality show

Up for grabs: 100 days of holiday fun in hu openair facilities

Four pairs, five challenges and an impressive panel of judges to award the final prize: "100 days of holiday fun in hu openair facilities to enjoy with your loved ones." Presenting "Holiday Show", the first TikTok reality show created by hu openair and Cooltura: an innovative, playful and entertaining production for the very small screen, offering participants and the entire community a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the open-air facilities from the Human Company Group. A small revolution is underway in the world of communication: "Holiday Show" represents a unique format, the likes of which has never been seen before on the TikTok platform. The Cooltura creative agency was responsible for the design and production process, which unfolded much like any other reality show: casting, auditions, identification of the judges and competitors, challenges and voting, advertising and special guests, confessionals and shots of everyday life. However, the whole production was specifically tailored to TikTok, enriching the television format with current trends and language.

The reality show involved four duos, each made up of a well-known TikTok creator (Francesca Biella, Elisa Altamura, Davide Reinecke and Umberto and Damiano) and a member of their communities. The participants were selected from each creator's community by the hu openair social team, in collaboration with Cooltura, by way of a social media casting process: over the preceding months, the four creators invited their communities to post video applications on their TikTok profiles, tagging the creators and hu openair, introducing themselves, describing their ideal holiday, and showing off their talents and everything they could bring to the reality show.

The newly formed pairs then headed to hu Norcenni Girasole village, where they embarked on five exciting challenges (one for each episode of the reality show). Accompanied by confessional videos from the participants, just like any self-respecting reality show, each test was designed to showcase the facility and the Tuscan landscape: a cooking challenge to prepare the best panzanella, a sporty competition in the pool, an experience created in collaboration with the Gaville Museum of Rural Civilisation, a visit to the Palagina farm to explore the participants' relationship with nature, and the grand finale, which involved creating the ultimate summer sketch. An exceptional panel of judges, made up of television personalities such as Nicolò De Devitiis and creators such as Carlotta Roncarà, as well as various industry experts, decided the finalists after every challenge. In every episode, and for each challenge, the two pairs who reached the final were put to the ballot on TikTok, where the community was able to vote via the poll in the stories of the hu openair TikTok account. The couple who received the most votes from the community was then awarded the special prize: "100 days of holiday fun in the hu openair facilities." The winners were Davide Reinecke and his follower Ferdy, who were praised for their friendliness and teamwork throughout the challenges.

Created to increase the reach of the hu openair brand on TikTok, the campaign achieved record results, with over 56 million views. The campaign was also able to achieve several "extra" goals: it generated 22 thousand new followers in just over a month and 307 thousand interactions, including likes, comments, saves and shares. 34 videos were created for the campaign, of which five were the actual episodes of the reality show. With an ambitious duration of six minutes each, the episodes alone garnered more than 17 thousand hours of total views. This success can be attributed to the community's high level of involvement, with users spontaneously creating numerous videos (UGC). From the moment the casting was announced, the response was very positive, with as many as 35 participants helping to make the campaign even more viral with their video applications. Additionally, the contestants independently produced over 20 videos both during and after the recording of the reality show. “Holiday Show" is just the beginning of a series of initiatives planned by Cooltura and hu openair to foster ongoing innovation in the field of communication and digital marketing. Looking to the future, direct interaction with the public and the ability to create viral and engaging content are fundamental elements of strong brand awareness strategies.

"We are very happy with the success of this new format, launched on TikTok for the first time, which was able to entertain a wide audience aged between 18 and 44 and introduce them to hu openair. Our channel is fairly young, but it is growing quickly, and we are sure that the reality show will help to increase awareness of our brand and more.The holiday show was also an ideal channel to share our values in a new, fun language. Additionally, we were able to showcase, by way of the challenges undertaken by the four pairs, the unique qualities and features of the local area," explained Valentina Fioravanti, Chief Marketing Officer at Human Company.

"The greatest challenges associated with this project were, on one hand, convincing the TikTok community to apply and, on the other, engaging an audience that is accustomed to consuming a very different (and very short) style of videos. We were able to succeed on both fronts, achieving exciting results. At Cooltura, we have always set out to explore new forms of entertainment and engagement, demonstrating that social media platforms can be used creatively to build meaningful connections with the community," noted Mariaelena Traverso, CEO of Cooltura. "We were excited to collaborate with hu openair on this innovative project, which was launched to promote the brand and to create authentic content for a young and dynamic audience."